Short Stories
- Invisible Society Fables
- Short Stories on Homelessness
- by Phil Canalin
- Paperback: $14.95, eBook: $6.95
- In 2010, President Obama initiates his ten-year plan to end
homelessness for all Americans. In 2012, HUD estimates 637,000
people experience homelessness on any given night in the USA.
Today, we’re making progress…right?
- A portion of the proceeds for this book are being donated to
Building Futures with Women and Children.
- Damn Faeries
- Short Story Collection
- Edited by Elizabeth Harvey
- Paperback: $10.95, eBook: $3.95
- Damn Faeries is a collection of faerie tales for those
that never quite grew out of them. There's no telling what
surprises and horrors lie around every nook and cranny of this
book. The tales within are designed to amuse and delight, inspire
and entertain, and remind us that magic is only ever a pixie's
wing away.
- Under the Stairs
- Short Story Collection
- Edited by Lisa Keele
- Paperback: $9.95, eBook: $3.95
- The short story collection Under the Stairs was an idea
born in response to Flash Fiction Month on a popular art and
literature website. This collection contains 20 stories of various
genres written by authors from around the world. Each story is
under 2000 words in length and is sure to keep the reader
- When Nightmares Fall
- Short Story Collection
- Edited by Elizabeth Harvey
- Paperback: $11.95, eBook: $3.95
- These stories and more lurk in the pages of this fantastic new
book. Each tale of supernatural suspense features a new voice in
the world of writing and is sure to keep readers on the edge of
their seats. When Nightmares Fall is both entertaining and
a good diversion for anyone looking to step sideways into the
world of the surreal and the terrifying.