Shadow Dancers

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  • Levi Gallup

  • Paranormal Mystery, Native American Folklore
  • Paperback ISBN 10: 1-938888-02-2 | ISBN 13: 978-1-938888-02-1

  • Paperback ($14.95): Barnes & Noble, The Book Depository (free shipping), Amazon
  • eBook ($6.95): Kindle, Nook
  • To purchase the paperback directly from Divertir Publishing:

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When a dusty whirlwind wraps around a pretty girl on the plains of northwest Texas, short-haul trucker Brady Drake is amused by its entertainment potential. But when she disappears into the rapidly intensifying twister his sense of amusement turns to terror. Hunted by supernatural beings and persecuted by law enforcement, Brady fights for survival while uncovering secrets within his own family. One fateful stop at a desolate convenience store sends Brady Drake careening down the highway on a thrill-ride that will frighten him to the brink of insanity.

Engage yourself in a journal written by a desperate man facing powerful events he has no way of understanding. Accompany him as he encounters proof that life is an eternal journey, and that one does not escape the evil deeds left behind.

Heed one man’s warning that immediate events are compounded upon the past and that vengeful spirits lurk in the shadows of our souls. Sometimes these shadows manifest into the physical world and when they do... untold havoc can be unleashed and demons released upon the unsuspecting.